Learn to windsurf on the sheltered waters of mud lake this summer with SSC.

Mud Lake is accessed via Nasa Road One into Clear Lake Park.
Coming from the Sailing Club, the entrance to the park is on the right at a light, which is just past the condo tower on the left. If you see the Hilton on your left, you have gone too far and need to turn around and go back to the light.
As you enter the park, you will first come to a stop sign. Turn right and proceed in a counter clockwise direction. We park the club windsurfing trailer (white & unmarked) past the Rowing Center on the right hand side of the drive. Speed in the park is limited to 20 mph. The park measures speed and will hand out tickets to speeders.
Minors and adults are welcome. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. There are no exceptions to this requirement. All participants must be able to swim. Minors are required to be in life jackets and wear foot wear of some type. We have a small assortment of life jackets, but it is much better to bring your own life jacket. The bottom of Mud Lake has oyster shell and there are some other bits of stuff, all of which can cut your feet. Also, as denoted by the name, the mud is atrocious and the last thing you want to do is dig mud off your feet after the class.
Bring a towel, change of clothes, sun screen, hat, etc. You are outside - protect yourself. Don't forget to bring a croakie for your glasses/sunglasses.
Class time is from 10 am to 2 pm. Please be early (9:30 is good). Early arrival will allow you to participate in assembling the gear, which is part of the windsurfing experience.
Club will provide water and hot dogs for lunch.
Club provides all instructors and windsurfing equipment needed for the class. All class participants are required to follow safety and class instructions provided by the SSC windsurf instructors. This includes such instruction as how to climb in and out of Mud Lake and when to discontinue sailing.
Registration is required for both SSC members and non members, please fill and submit the
form below to register for each class individually: